It’s That Time of Year – Spring Cleaning
There are several theories as to the origin of spring cleaning. All have to do with cleaning the dwelling from top to bottom. Spring cleaning commences as soon as it is warm enough to open the windows while still cold enough that one is not fighting an onslaught of insects. Spring cleaning has many chores that one would generally perform only once or twice per year. Things one might not think of include dusting the coils of your refrigerator, discarding outdated medicines, cosmetics, hygiene products, cleaning walls, cleaning the porch walls and ceiling, scrubbing the walkways, and cleaning or scrubbing garbage cans. Whew! Exhausting even to read, and we haven’t even mentioned window cleaning.
Get Help!
While the sorting chores are so individualized, most people will need to do that task personally, help is just a phone call away for the major cleaning duties that go with spring cleaning. House cleaning Melbourne established in 1989, have achieved the distinction of being the best in the business in the Melbourne area, as voted by consumer polls conducted last year. We are the best, in part, because we respond to customer’s individual needs. We listen to the concerns you have and make a cleaning plan that fits your budget, your values and your needs. Secondly, if you do not want chemicals used in your home we have very efficient organic compound cleaning solutions that are used in our natural cleaning plans and packages. Getting the cleaning plan that you need and want is all about the communication before the cleaning begins. Our trained office staff know the right questions to ask to help you customize the cleaning contract or package that best suits you, your family and your values. Call now to initiate the conversation and start the quote process.
The Heavy Lifting and the Hardest Work
Consider the amount of heavy lifting to do a complete and thorough job of spring cleaning. Moving the appliance to clean under them, moving furniture to steam clean carpets, washing walls and ceilings are just a few of the heaviest and hardest tasks. If you have family members that are able to help you might be able to get everything done with 3-4 helpers in a week. That is assuming your family members are good at helping. Teenager and younger children are often less helpful than we had hoped, and may even add to the housekeeping tasks. While do-it-yourself culture is currently the trend, do you have a full week or more to invest and the energy to clean your house from top to bottom all alone?
House Cleaning Melbourne can help you with specific cleaning tasks or do it all. We pride ourselves on being able to provide professional cleaning on your terms within your budget. Call today to request a quote. Our “Heavy Lifting Spring Cleaning” package include the following tasks:
- Steam clean Carpets
- Wash windows inside & out
- Wash all walls
- Pressure wash outside walkways
- Pressure wash walls and ceiling of porches
The above tasks prices vary according to number of baths, number of windows, and overall square meters. Each task above can be a one-time stand-alone cleaning service purchase.